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Sociology Essay: Why Millennials Are the Generation of Killers

Not actual assassin-like killers, but little harmless smoothie-drinking adults who have a mind of a child. Yep, we`re still talking about millennials, and if you`re one of those guys, you`ll silently agree with every sentence in this article whether you want it or not. But why would we call millennials killers? Firstly, Internet users these days are in love with screaming headlines. But trust me, this is not a clickbait, just give us a chance and see for yourself.

Mistakes Students Make at Their First Job
First Job

Every youngster is eager to get out there in the free world and start making their own money. Okay, let`s be honest, not all of them. If their parents are multi-millionaires, I do reckon the desire of having an independent stable income isn`t on their list.

Literature Review: Things You Should Know

Any scientific article, dissertation or even academic essay are written on a serious scientific base. Hence, various academic sources are used, and information from them is included, discussed, disputed, refuted or simply referred to. In big academic texts, a literature review is an obligatory part, however, in smaller genres, a paragraph at the beginning is also devoted to the review of sources. This part formulates and academic culture of the researcher.

Logical Organization of an Academic Text

When we search for the help with academic text structuring, all we find is just banal intro-body-conclusion structures and hints on how to write every part. However, for those who are aimed at reaching academic heights and become the true researchers, this is definitely not enough.

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