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How to Find Your Calling: Part 1
Student and Calling

One of the greatest achievements for anyone is to live in harmony with himself or herself. Whether a person is able to reach that harmony depends on what they devote their life, time and energy to; if they’re happy while doing what they do.

10 Rules of Effective Reading
Effective Book Reading

How to read books effectively? How to understand that a book is worth your attention? How to remember things you have read for long? One of our service writers decided to share his tips about effective reading.

Self-Criticism: Advantages, Disadvantages and Tips for Students
Self-Criticism Wisdom

One day, a young boy came to a wise man’s house and asked him: “What do I need to do to get wisdom?”. The wise man thought about something for a while and answered: “Go outside and stand there a bit”. There was heavy rain outside, and a young man thought: “How can that help me? Well, anything could happen”. He went out of the house and stood still right in the rain.

Concentration Development
Concentrated Student

The development of certain abilities often requires months of practice from a person to see any significant improvement. There is not always enough time and will to do that. But to improve concentration, you are going to need only several days. In fact, that is a very ironic skill: to improve it, you’ll need… concentration. Not just it, of course. Motivation, enthusiasm and patience are required as well.

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