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Which Languages Are Worth Studying
Dictionaries on a Shelf

They say that you are so many times a man, as many languages you know. It is not a secret that studying other languages is important in a present day world. They limit boundaries between nations and give each person lots of possibilities to work abroad and to get insight into other cultures. So, which languages are better to study and why?

Hitchhiking Possibilities

All students know a holy word “holidays” which means that you are free as a bird. Even though human can’t fly, but they can hitchhike. If you are a greener in hitchhiking and hesitating whether it is worth to try, then STOP! Hitchhiking is definitely a must for every student to experience at least once.

5 Health Tips for Each Student
Busy Student

We all know how stressful and busy the student’s life can be. However, we often forget that staying healthy is the result of following some simple rules. At the same time they do not sound simple for the bigger part of the college students, who don’t devote enough time to take care of themselves. Here are only 5 main things, which can help you improve your lifestyle effectively.

Learning Foreign Languages: Convince Yourself to Start
Foreign Languages Books

To begin with, nowadays learning a foreign language is like a tendency, as we may notice an increase of the number of those who want to learn them. If you can’t find yourself among those ones because learning foreign languages for you is like to bite off more than you can chew, don’t worry. Here you may find some tips which help you to get motivated, buckle down and begin to learn languages.

Slang Tricks
Talking Texts

It is impossible for any language to develop only within its formal rules. The main feature of growing in life is the existence of changes. Thus, our speeches are the living things with their mother tongues and their children. In addition, almost every part of our world aside having its own language also consists of different accents or their original slangs. Every day we are communicating with using informal phrases mostly. Usually, such way of a conversation is preferred. It is also called a mainstream kind of communicating. However, what is allowed in the daily life might not be appropriate while writing manuscripts for studying. Although standard languages are the ones with power, yet, they are not better without slanging.

Future of Alternative Sources of Energy: Prompts for Writing

Solar Panel Farm

During the centuries humanity pollutes the planet and its atmosphere. People dig for the resources of the Earth at a geometric rate. Remember only how the diamond career looks like. Nuclear power is very productive: it provides electricity to the largest number of consumers. On the other hand, it is also the most dangerous type of energy, at least we can mention the Chernobyl tragedy. When ecologists raised the alarm, mankind began to think about the environment. The alternative sources of energy, which would not harm the planet so much, were developed by scientists. Now there is a tendency to replace the existing power plants with the safer ones.

First Steps into University Lifestyle: Fails to Avoid

Thoughtful Student

Having passed the first year of studying at the university, a lot of students often realize that there were so much fails they could easily avoid. Too many new faces, new accommodation, unknown style of studying, pressure, sometimes you begin to live in a new city or even a country. The time is going past you... and... wait, where is it going? Often “fresh” students are suffering because of first troubles they face.

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