Many people have friends they can’t call other than “crazy”. These friends always keep doing something, making cool stuff, some freaking crazy things and screw up their companions who are more quiet and boring.
The word “crazy” is rather a compliment in this case. It means that this human lives free, cheerful and unpredictably. Somewhere deep in soul their wills and thoughts go a lot further than “normal” people can imagine. These crazy friends have an unexplained special charm which keeps people near them.
One of my friends got lucky to meet his crazy pack of friends. Every single person there had something on their mind, yet had a really cool charisma, too. Most of all, their adventures were real craziness. Despite that, they had a good reputation and there were no things they could regret doing in future.
We live in society, which says it is fine to be normal, to have something similar to the others. I guess, a bit of “craziness” won’t be an issue to anybody. It makes you leave your “comfort zone”. It helps you discover the whole new world, which is full of adventures and impressions. It could be a boring life, if everything was going on “as usual”. Don’t you think?
Crazy friends become the best friends. You always have cool memories connected with them, and mostly all the events can be divided into two categories: something funny, and lots of scary stuff which can make everyone tremble.
Still, despite all this craziness and scare, these memories always make us smile, don’t they? People having such friends are often proud of being a part of such company. And they save these memories in mind carefully, though with time friends often move to different cities, countries and even continents.
Reasons Why Crazy Friends Are the Best Ones:
1.You always have some cool stories to tell
That might be whatever: mountain trip, rock concert, burning party, holiday, adventures in the unknown city or any interesting situation from your office or college.
One can write the real book about all the adventures and hangouts they came through with friends. And when you tell these stories to someone else they become envious of yours and your friends’ bravery and careless character.
2.They live in peace with themselves
They are not afraid to show their weaknesses and bad habits. They don’t have any scruples according to themselves or their strange features others might mention. It goes another way: they are PROUD of their extraordinary personality. And this is the infection they spread. You become more of yourself while spending your time with them.
3.It is interesting to spend time with them
These people always have erudition, intelligence and creativity which help them not to get bored. You never have to think about “what to do?” and “how to entertain them?” once they come to you as guests. Everything is always funny and clear with these people.
4.They make the world inside of you wider
You feel yourself emotionally rich with your friends. They always pull you out of your “comfort zone”, no matter how strong is your will to sit still. This means you get new experience, knowledge and impressions. And, being shared with someone, these thoughts and emotions enrich your relationships, giving them priceless value.
5.They support your crazy ideas
These friends will always play along with you whatever is on your mind at any single moment. Making a run through all the bars in your neighborhood, looking at the sunrise on the top of the mountain, joking upon one of your friends or bringing any tricky scams to life: these guys and girls are those you always can rely on. And it doesn’t matter that they are unbearable in regular life, always being late, practicing dirty talks and forgetting about paying their debts.
6.They support your original dreams
There are things you can’t say about them to anyone surrounding you. Just because others won’t understand you almost for sure. And your best friends, who are as crazy as you are, will not only share your most deeply hidden dreams, but will help them come true as fast as possible. These people give you the needed courage when you fear something. They believe in something unbelievable. And they are not afraid to try making something impossible to become possible.
Have you got your crazy friends? If no – go and find them!