Exams and Personal Life: Paper on How to Succeed in Both

Tired Student Making Choice

This is the question that practically all the students face, even the ones at High School. How to manage to combine personal and academic life? To become a fully developed person, you need both, so it is difficult to define what to prioritize. In this paper, we will offer you a few hints that may help you to figure out in such a tough situation when you need to choose between personal life and good academic results. Spend your efforts smartly!

Hint #1: Choose

What is more important for you: to graduate or meet with the boy/girl of your dream? To fail an exam or go to the cinema with your sweetheart? You may figure it out with the help of a simple technique: just plan your time. You can make plans for a day, week, month, and even year! You will be able to evaluate what you need to do, what is important, and what needs to be done as soon as possible. If you have an exam on the 5th of December, plan your 3rd and 4th of December as the time for revising, and on the 6th you are welcome to have a relaxing day with your sweetheart. So, nothing will be left without attention.

Hint #2: You Cannot Cope with Everything Yourself

Relying only on your personal efforts and abilities is surely good, but it is necessary to forget about your self-reliance for some time and ask for help. You may combine your efforts of exam preparation with your mates, and get ready to exam in groups. This will be more effective and it takes less time to revise the materials of the course. Moreover, if you have other assignments to do and papers to write, it is advisable to hire a writer online to assist you. There are companies which offer a qualitative assistance, so you may just place an order at Homeworkneeded.Com and forget all your worries.

Hint #3: Do Not Multitask

Failed Multitasking

Do not think that you are capable of dealing with several tasks at once. We believe in you, but still, a lot of research papers have been written to convince the people that, while multitasking, the quality of each particular task accomplishment is lower. You may check it yourself: writing a few papers at once, the quality you get is much lower and the grades will be not as high as you expect as well.

The same refers to the combination of academic and non-academic things. It is better to complete the tasks one by one, switching between learning and outdoor activities or communication with friends. Switching activities will bear more fruits than the constant tiresome learning.

Hint #4: Determine Your Personal Space

What is the personal space for you? No paper can help you in defining this, because it fully depends on your way of thinking. Is personal space limited to your relations with a sweetheart, or just the time for yourself? It is important to define that to manage your time properly. You will be able to spend time with your loved one after exams, and if they love you, they will wait a few days. However, you should better not disregard your personal needs. It is necessary to devote some time to your hobby, otherwise, you will become cold-hearted and easily irritated. Your social self is not something to be sacrificed.

Hint #5: Be Ready for Surprises

There is always a risk to face surprises, and they can be both pleasant and not. Every day brings new emotions, opportunities, and what is done cannot be redone back. One victory or one failure is just a part of the whole picture. Winning in something, you may lose in something else, not always equal, but still. Therefore, there is no need to take exams as something life-changing. You will deal with whatever happens, so do not worry too much, and make sure you are filled with positive emotions. If you need to meet a person you love for this, just do it. Make exams the part of your life, not vice versa.

Hint #6: Just Combine

I bet you have a friend or a relative who knows something on the subject you are having an exam in. This may be a person who you see quite rarely, so this will be a good reason to meet them. Just give them a call and arrange a meeting. Thus, you will kill two birds with one shot. Moreover, meeting an expert may help you learn something brand new, so you will be able to impress your professor with some actual information he/she has not told you on the lectures.

Hint #7: Is Your Professor – Your Friend?

Professor as a Friend

Today, the distance between students and professors sometimes becomes quite close. It is not a surprise anymore to have an evening out on campus drinking beer with your professor. If this is your case, bingo: you may have a relaxing evening, and by the way, you may get a set of useful hints, not only on the subject but also on how to pass the exams successfully. Your professor has a strong base of theoretical knowledge, as well as practical experience because he/she has already passed the same way you are struggling with now.


So, we hope the hints have helped you to cope with the temporary difficulties of time management during your exam preparation. We understand that both personal and academic life have an equal value. Moreover, you may not become a scientist, but building your social image and relations that are important for you may give a basis for your happy life, and you being happy is the main thing. You will always have time to study, so prioritize on what you want and need more in a long-term perspective.

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