It is difficult to learn a new language due to some reasons (psychological barriers, for instance). We are going to tell you how to deal with the most widespread problems that appear during the process of studying.
Humans can’t get something for nothing: everything you try to get requires efforts and work. The same rule works for language learning. Researches show: most part of people do not reach success in this field. The reason is: they give up too early. All in all, everyone feels it easy to fall back once they meet difficulties. That is why you should be ready to overcome not only linguistic barriers when starting to learn a new language, but to deal with psychological ones as well.
Frustration is the first to be felt when starting to pass through first language learning stages. In fact, the appearance of frustration means that you leave your comfort zone and get ready to move forward. It’s a pity, but many people do not have enough will to overcome that feeling, and they stop learning new language on the stage “I do not understand”.
Yet if you put a bit more efforts and win frustration, you’ll get knowledge and success as a reward. In order to overcome that emptiness feeling, set some small goals for yourself. Let’s suppose that you want to speak French fluently in future, but that is a too big task for you at the moment. On your way to it, solve problems of a smaller scale. For instance, make yourself learn 10 new words during the day. Then learn 20 words the day after that, and so on.
Feeling how your own abilities grow is very pleasant, and satisfaction from your small successes can help you overcome frustration feeling.
Lack of Interest
If the previous problem is quite easy to be solved, then here you are to work upon yourself. Nobody can explain you why you really need that French. You need to find the answer through the internal dialogue Try asking yourself the following questions:
- What possibilities can I get when I learn that language?
- What should I do right now, if I could speak that language?
- How am I going to feel once the language is learnt?
Is it difficult for you to answer? Try finding like-minded people, looking at what the other people knowing this or that language fluently are busy with. Someone else’s experience motivates and inspires, this is what you can arm yourself with. Whatever your goal is, make sure you want to reach it with all your heart.

Of course, you can’t buy happiness for money, but you can buy a foreign language tutorial for it. The lack of finances inflicts your will to continue studying, but this trouble is possible to be solved as well. There are free apps, courses and websites created for you and about you. Without a doubt, lessons with a live teacher are more effective than self-learning activities, but if to have enough concentration and will, you can reach the goal by going that way.
Lack of Time
Time is the most valuable resource everyone has. Can’t you find a free minute to study foreign language? The truth is, you do not really need hours and days to go in for this useful activity. It is enough to devote 30 minutes of your time daily for it. Can you spend a bit more? Excellent!
Instead of drinking the additional cup of coffee in the cafe, you can visit the library and spend the same time learning new rules or words.
Lack of Progress
Lack of progress is not a regress, it is death. Are you still alive? Perfect, this means you find out something new, gather experience and become better with every minute that passes. Remind yourself about your last walk. You approached to the destination point step by step, and could understand the distance you’ve passed only when looking back onto your way. This is exactly the feeling that accompanies foreign language learning. Take a look backwards. I bet you could not even say a single word, you didn’t even know how to read those letters correctly. Am I wrong?
Visibility is what can help you defeat any fear. That is why you should visualize any of your achievements.
In order to overcome your feeling of you being stuck, ask your teacher to mark your success levels and your moving forward in language studying. If you study on your own, then jut open your previous notes and see your progress.

This refers not only to studying, but to sports, business and your home tasks. It is always better to start something new while being accompanied with like-minded people. Everyone tries to find a companion for gym visits, and psychological support at work helps to feel oneself important and needed.
Apps and courses are fine, but only in case if you have someone providing additional control. You are going to feel yourself responsible: it will be more difficult for you to miss a lesson or delay doing homework. When making a deal with a friend to learn 10 new words until the next day, you will feel ashamed to tell “I forgot that” when you meet each other. When you reach advanced level, new possibility comes: communicating with the use of foreign language without fear and shame.
To help yourself and to stop being irresponsible, try to find a friend, a helper in your language learning quest. This will help you pass through the whole way, from the beginning to the end.