Essay writing service authors speak about why it is never too early or late to study a new language and the possibility to deal with that task by using nothing but smartphone apps.

Myth 1: You Can Start Speaking a Language in a Day
No, you can’t. Even in two days. You can get your knowledge about the language itself, its structure and way it works. You can get recommendations about studying in. But you can’t learn it in a day. No matter if it is a 25-th frame, super-unique method or a sorcerer-teacher, and even if there are all of those at once.
Learning means speaking, and speaking and understanding is a skill.
To form a skill, one needs regular practice. Forming a skill, especially communicative one, during a day or two is practically impossible. Go in for learning foreign languages regularly!
Myth 2: One Can Learn How to Think in Foreign Language
This phrase is a commercial move, an ad that has nothing in common with a process.
Imagine that you hear the word “table”. What appears in your mind? A picture of a table: the one you know, the standard one, or the one standing in front of you at the moment; anything but the word consistent of five letters.
People think without using words. Their thinking is base on pictures. If I replace the word “table” to the word “стол” and you know that word, then the picture in your mind will remain unchanged. Will it change depending on the language? I doubt that. People do not use language for thinking, so nobody can teach you do that.
Myth 3: A Foreign Language Can be Learnt
The word “learn” has quite a wide meaning. Everyone uses their native tongue since being a child. Did they learn it to the very end? Probably, they didn’t: there can be found words with unknown meanings, or phrases with unfamiliar orthographic rules.
That is why you can’t learn foreign language just because nobody knows where the end line of learning is. You need to determine what to study depending on how you are going to use a new language. Study it gradually, from level to level.
Myth 4: One Can Learn a Language on Their Own
If that language is the fifth one you know, or at least the second foreign one, then it is real. But if it is your first foreign language and you just start your way, then that is impossible.
The teacher will speed up this process seriously, find studying materials for you, choose the way to process it basing on your knowledge, skill, way of perception and individual thinking features. The teacher will correct your learning process according to your strengths and weaknesses of speech. That is especially important in the very beginning of your learning process.
Myth 5: A Language Can be Learnt through Apps and Programs
Nowadays, there are many technical devices to study languages: various applications, websites, etc. The most part of them is built professionally and can make the learning process easier by making it mobile, constant and interesting. But that is not always enough.
You can learn new words, grammar, and orthography like that. But you can’t practice your pronunciation, speaking and understanding through apps. You need a teacher. Your teacher can hear your mistakes, create situations for speaking and understanding practice, support a conversation and build it in the way for you to find an adequate exit from various speaking situations.
A combination of technical devices and regular lessons with a teacher is the best way. Use possibilities of XXI century to get additional training and practice.
Myth 6: Not Everyone is Talented for Language Learning
A talent for languages does not exist. Any teacher will say that there are no people who can’t be taught. There are wrongly chosen ways and methods, unsuitable teacher and lack of motivation. And a natural human’s laziness.
Your brain is built in the way to be able to master any skill. That is a matter of time and will, not of talents.
Myth 7: Everything Depends on a Teacher
Teacher is responsible for many things, but not for everything. The teacher who was correctly chosen means 50% of success: he or she can be additional motivation, choose forms of studying individually, be an example for you, involve and interest you.
But unfortunately, that is not a guarantee of a result. The rest 50% are in your zone of responsibility.
Myth 8: Everything Depends on a Student
The previous point said that the responsibility is divided equally between a student and a teacher. What depends on a student is: a regular presence at lessons, no breaks in the process, exercising on their own, keeping up to teacher’s recommendations and being active during lessons.
If you feel bored, if something irritates you about the teacher, if you do not understand the way of explanations or you catch yourself thinking that you look for reasons to skip a lesson, then do not be afraid of changing your teacher.
Myth 9: It is too Late to Learn New Language
It is never too late. The point is in your motivation. If you really need that, your age is not an obstacle.
Even if there are no visible reasons (you do not plan to go abroad in the near future and do not have foreign friends) but you want that very much, then go forward. You can learn languages just for personal satisfaction. Additionally, the process of learning develops your brain and mind, and improves your memory.
Myth 10: It is too Early To Learn New Language
That is a doubtful statement. A child’s brain is much more excellent and flexible than that of any grown-up. It actively learns everything new, that is its main task.
So, it is useful to learn new language while being a child for one’s overall personality development as well.