No matter if it is your first time writing this particular type of essay or you just want to polish the knowledge you already possess, you might find this basic scheme of prewriting useful.

Choose a Topic
If you were already given a specific topic to write about, select the most interesting aspect of it and concentrate on this point. Once you find a subject to be involved in, you will not notice the time passing by while you are researching for an essay and composing it.
For example, in the topic selected you can talk about the phenomenon of stress, like what are the consequences of being stressed often and why it is important to avoid it; what are the effective ways of preventing stress and fighting it; what aspects of life can be harmed while we feel stressed and how does the one omit stressful situations in each of them etc.
Pick Up the Questions That Should Be Answered
Usual list of questions for this type of essay is:
- What is it? How can it be defined?
- What is the role of it?
- What is its influence? Is the effect only positive or only negative?
- How does it appear? What do you do to get/achieve it?
You can write down a list of questions of the same type, but make them very specific. Think of the required length of your paper and how much space one answer will take. Select a number of questions you are going to answer and put them in a logical order. This is a detailed plan of your essay.
Make It Interesting
The best way to make your essay interesting is to involve yourself with the topic you are working on. Think of a creative approach to represent your ideas. In this case, when your essay is dealing with college life, you can make a survey and include the results into the paper you are writing.
Compare how people tend to treat and fight stress in different cultures. Maybe you have your own secrets that let you live in college life with a smile on your face? Include them as well!

Proofread or Edit Your Essay
It is a very important step that should not be neglected. It is better that you edit your paper a day or at least a couple of hours after you finish it. After you relax or change the activity and then look through your essay again, you are more likely to notice minor spots that should be changed. Once you have done this, you may be sure, that you have completed a decent expository essay on the required topic.
Hopefully, you have found these tips useful and following them will help you to always get good grades! In case you would like to get an example of an expository essay on any topic you choose, we will always be glad to help you.
In general, an explanatory essay is not simply a tool for EXPLAINING something as the name says but a proof of your ability to convince the reader that the thesis you are defending is as true as steel. First of all, you investigate the chosen topic, after depict it on the paper, compare some nuances when needed, naturally explain it very precise and concrete and support your ideas with a worthy argument or two.
So, it is not simply a descriptive and fairy-tales-telling essay but a whole bunch of methods on finding a problem and its solution. However, the more you practice the more your writing process improves.
What is a Good Essay and How to Write it?
To have a general view of the productive and winning essay our team of helpers has prepared for you a few statements to distinguish a really excellent essay from an ordinary one. So, here are they, five helpful tips on how to make your paper really informative and not a paper to throw away:
- A real essay should have a thesis statement and arguments to prove or deny it. The core part of every essay is an issue you are describing. So, if you want your essay to be successful, provide it with good arguments;
- A true essay paper should have an answer to some inquire stated at the beginning. It is very similar to the first tip but still has some discrepancies. One of them is that you do not only argue about some point but also have your point of view which you are going to depict in your essay. It means: if you have a problem – you must find a solution;
- It is based on notable works, researches and influential academic sources. Let us be honest, unless it is an autobiography essay you will surely use other sources of information to support your thesis. And it is very right! However, if you want your essay to sound more advanced you should pay attention to more notable and credible research works. Yes, an unnamed article downloaded from the web would be not enough;
- Good structure. It is what every professor looks for: an introduction, thesis statement, argumentation and a strong conclusion. Your essay should not look like a chaotic creation of random thoughts, stick to the plan and you will succeed very soon.
These are the tips are expert writers started working with at the beginning of their career and developed along. Right now, this process has been automatized and they are very glad to write an excellent essay for you to let you have this knowledge on writing a perfect paper too! Just drop us a line and you will not regret it!
Other Ideas on Ease of College Life Expository Essay
What else can be stressful for a student in his academic life? No, not only studying process gives a headache every time of day and night. Some trending topics like something being actively discussed lately will surely help your essay success and popularity. On the other hand, they are being picked up quite often and can repeat themselves lots of times.
Another option is to choose something more rare and unique even though you may find it harder to research on it. In this case, it can be something not as up-to-date as before but still worth discussing and arguing about.
Finally, the last but not the least, your topic that lies in your heart. Choose something you are passionate about and your professor will definitely appreciate your efforts as when you are writing on the topic you are sincerely interested in there will be no way you will get bored and your essay writing process will become an amazing and enchanting experience as well.